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Published On - November 25, 2022 

The Psychology Behind The Purchase Of Accent Pieces & Sustainability

By - Pawan

Sustainability is growing across all industries. Global environmental change is increasingly recognised now. Young people are now more aware of the environmental impacts they have through their purchasing decisions. Retailers must satisfy environmentally concerned customers' sustainable purchasing desires.
Buyers will seek to include sustainable products in their houses as much as possible. Kitchens, water supplies, and even home decor can be done this way. Home decor lets you express yourself and make your house a home. A personalised house is best to come back to after a long day at work.
Painting a wall your favourite colour, hanging family photos, or adding accents to your desk, side table, or balcony can improve your home.
Ethical consumers appreciate eco-friendly home decor and are more inclined towards buying the same.
Consumers in this day and age seek to minimise their carbon footprint. So when it comes to decorating one's home, sustainable home decor should be a no-brainer for the educated and mindful consumer.

Traditional handicrafts centre aims to deliver sustainable and fashionable pieces to many such ethical consumers. Why should one compromise aesthetics when it comes to sustainability?

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